Why Christmas Supermarket Ads should be banned!

Are you a food lover? Does your mouth water over those seductively delicious M&S Food adverts?

Do your eyes light up at the latest newsletter from The Co-op with your favourite wine at a bargain price??

I know I do. In fact, I would go as far to say that I’m a food addict.

I could happily rattle away the hours talking about and eating delicacies. But…. I’m also a calorie counter. And a strict gym goer. Conflicting traits, I admit, but for 11 months of the year its a tightrope walk that I achieve with long practiced finesse.

Then I start to notice Christmas appearing everywhere I look (far too early, of course, but that’s a different story).

Damn you M&S...!!!!

Damn you M&S…!

My inbox starts to gush festivity at me and somehow, every website I visit is re-targeting me with that deluxe box of chocolates I resisted purchasing just a few minutes before. “BUY ME”, they scream. And I do.

This is just the beginning of the end as I succumb to the temptation of irresistible December marketing, and I chuckle at Tesco’s latest using The Proclaimers “Walk 500 Miles”. They’re spot on – come January, I will need to do exactly that!

It would be rude to talk about Christmas without mentioning Coca Cola’s legendary “the holidays are coming” advert…

But please, make mine a diet…

Rachel Cook looks after Global Recruitment @SaleCycle

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